“Is Intelligent Design from God’s hand?”

A: The term Intelligent Design is generally thought of as the counterpoint to the Theory of Evolution. In fact they are often mentioned in the same sentence. I’m convinced the two are exactly the same thing. Evolution is simply the unfoldment of creation that began before time and will continue through all eternity. There is infinitely powerful, continuous, radiant energy that emanates from God, without end. The ego calls it evolution because it is focused on individual snapshots of things at various times, rather than seeing eons of dynamic unfoldment as a continuous flow of creation.

Creation Never Ends

Creation Never Ends

“From God’s hand” is a beautiful poetic style, resonant with ancient storytelling. The meaning is essentially that God intended specific characteristics like claws, feather colors, skin color, etc. This is impossible to accurately discern without stamping our projected “meaning” onto God and then labeling it God, (i.e. an anthropomorphic projection). How can we know God’s intention? My guess is life just happens as the consequence of the infinite energy gushing forth from the benevolent, radiant Presence of God. The incredible beauty and marvel of creation reflects the infinite power and magnificence of our Creator.

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Brian Grandon

Rev Brian has a Master’s Degree in Divinity, is an ordained minister. He was the senior minister at Unity Church of El Cajon and co-minister with his wife Rev Kristen at Unity Church of the Hills in Austin, Texas. Rev Brian currently works at a prison as the Wellness Specialist and co-minister for AwakenMe.Us.


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